Rachel Etc.

Marketing & Lifestyle Blog


Marketing Tips for Tree Service Companies in Vancouver

If you do not have the right marketing tips to support what you do, running a tree service company can be quite challenging. So here are some of the marketing tips that we gather for tree service companies in Vancouver:

1) Diverse Tree Service Website and Blog

Have a very dynamic website that answers all the possible questions a customer could ask. Make sure to avoid a vain space along your website that would not do anything to promote your company. Most clients and companies like the one in Vancouver, BC attest to the fact that they have all their initial concerns about a business adequately addressed just by looking through a company’s website. This will help you to attract and retain a high number of people who are interested in your Tree Service Business.

2) Engage A Digital Marketing Company

It is necessary to introduce that these executives have a bunch of services that can lift you up from the bottom to the top of your job. You will surely experience a blast in your business once you engage them despite you having no ideas about certain opportunities in your market. If you work with a good digital marketing company, there are other support services you can surely enjoy.

3) Reward Customers for Referral

A part of your tree service marketing team is also your customers. Do not forget to pay your customer if a prospect tells you that they got to know your name from your customer who they know. Make it worth their while, a reward wouldn’t hurt. This will definitely make them continue referring you to their families and friends. Maybe a gift check or something with a handwritten thank you note coming in the mail, or something that they can spend anywhere they want. I’m sure they wouldn’t let you go anymore if you have a good bond with your customers.

4) Solid Social Media Platform

The times have been modernized, gadgets are everywhere, and most people spend their time online. You must be able to keep up with your customers on a daily basis since they may have questions which they will likely ask so having a social media channel is a must. You can surely raise the bar of success for your Tree Service with the simple engagement of this tool, just focus to the one that resonates with your clients and use it to work your magic.

5) Advertise with Mouth and Signs

Do not forget the power of word-of-mouth advertising. Aside from it is free and won’t cost you anything, it can also tell the success or failure rate of your company. Always treat your customers right so that they can continue to speak good about your business, maybe even to the point of referral to their friends. Furthermore, do not also forget about the fact that you can advertise through signs. Maybe put up some yard signs at the road or even in pathways along your neighborhood.

To do marketing has never been easy. It takes a lot of your time and effort. But in the end, all of your hard work advertising and promoting your business will surely pay off.


What are Metrics

The best way to improve marketing strategy is to measure how your campaigns are doing. It is only an essential thing to do for modern marketers because they get to maximize their resources and make modifications when needed.

Metrics are numbers that provide a deeper understanding of how a website, a campaign, or content is performing. It tells how many people have visited the content and how they responded to it. Metrics are also indicators of which marketing strategy can successful and can be duplicated and of course which ones need improvements. Metrics also give a business the authority over other companies with lower metrics. Dr. James uses metrics to guide the direction for his Vancouver sex addiction counseling service. It only means that there has been an extensive effort to maintain and get those numbers.

There are several metrics to watch out for depending on what you are trying to work on. Regardless of what is it, it is still important to keep those numbers in mind. To begin with, gather some data of your company to start the .

Unique visitors. It is one of the most important parameters to watch out for because it could indicate the health of your business. Are the numbers rising or going down? If so, there must be something that is going on with your business and these metrics will tell you.

Page views. This is the number of people who saw the pages inside your website which mean people going to your site because they find the content interesting or unique. You can clearly tell if you are doing it right or do it with modifications.

Organic search traffic. If the numbers are doing good, then it only means that you are doing a great job optimizing the pages of your website for search engines. A good SEO can bring your pages at the top which apparently means a higher chance of being clicked.

Inbound links. These are the links shared by the people who are aware of your website. Higher inbound links can build authority, and it can also mean that the site is trustworthy and informative or helpful. Also, high-quality inbound links can help you website rank in search engines.

Refer a friend

Referral Marketing Tips

One of the most effective ways of winning marketing is through word of mouth. If your audience trusts your brand well enough sometimes, you just have to let them bring more friends with them for their next purchase. Well, that is if your existing customers are extremely happy with your services or products. One must meet or even exceed the expectation of an existing customer. This could be challenging since an existing customer should know well your business. However, don’t worry, there are tons of way to make still them excited.

Referral marketing is one of the best ways to boost business sales. It is already famous for social media marketers who run referral marketing. How does referral marketing works and how to do it right?

Raise Awareness

Get as many people as you can to your referral program because the number of people that know and signs up for your program is the people who will promote your business or your referral program. This referral advocate will then circulate among those who shared them, thus higher chance of getting bringing traffic to your website. Large traffic could also mean a high rate of purchase or sale.

There are many ways to promote a referral program. You can email everyone on your list, post in on your website itself, promote it on all your social media platforms, invite past and existing customers personally, or you can talk about your program on a daily basis.

Maintain Contact

It is more appropriate to maintain the communication before and after the program and build a good relationship with those in contact. Know that you keep them in mind and that they are valuable. You may send them an occasional email or invite them to some of your business events.

Remember that communication is the key in this kind of marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Since the boom of social media platforms and other digital reality today, the debate about whether digital marketing or traditional marketing is better goes on. The new era or the people who moved into digital marketing believe that traditional marketing is now considered old-fashioned. Many say that the style of marketing (digital) has the upper hand and control of the traditional. The reason behind coming up to this conclusion is that because even the reputable magazine and news publications are turning digital.

Is digital marketing winning the marketing arena? Before we dive into the real argument here, let us first differentiate the two methodologies of marketing.

Traditional Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages


People are always exposed to the traditional marketing; they must not be aware of it sometimes. Traditional marketing consists of tangible items such as magazines, newspapers, brochures, posters, print ads, TV, and radio. Traditional marketing is everywhere except not inside anything digital.

Modern marketers might think if there are a thing or two advantages that they could get from using the traditional method. Well here are some.

  • Reaching the local audience targeting is easy. Let’s say you want to promote a service or a product in your town; then you can go for a radio advertisement or go to your local newspaper team and get a spot for your business. That way, you are a hundred percent sure that you are targeting your fellow residents. Steveston whale watching adventures uses local targeting for their business .
  • Sticky. Because you gave them something that can be kept physically, there’s a good chance that they keep the material and browse through more than once.
  • Easy to understand. According to research, printed materials are easier to understand because people are already familiar with this kind of marketing unlike with digital marketing that could be in the form of emails or sponsored ads, some people get a new feeling like they are still exploring the new strategy.

Meanwhile, the disadvantage of using traditional marketing is that it can only give minimum interaction to the audience. Radio, TV, newspaper, they are all one-way communication where the potential customer has to directly contact the person responsible if they have questions or if they are interested. Another thing is that traditional marketing is costly and the results are hard to measure. Imagine if you want to gauge the effectiveness of your radio advertisements. There are many factors to consider.

Digital Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages


Digital marketing involves business promotion over the world wide web. It can be in the form of email campaigns, advertisement banners, or SEO optimization. Some of the advantages of digital marketing are:

  • In-depth modifications. The good thing about digital marketing is that you can determine who your exact audience are, where they are, how old they are, the gender you prefer, and even their interests related to your business.
  • Lots of options. Digital marketing gives you the power to make marketing variations for the interest of your audience. Not everyone likes to read blogs or watch videos. Some prefer a series of imagery to present the message; some prefer animation or presentation. All these are achievable in digital marketing.
  • Live interaction. No matter where your audience is, you can easily communicate with them using so many social platforms out there which are mostly for free.
  • It is cheaper. We cannot say that this method is not expensive, but you can cut down costs.
  • Easier to measure. The result or the effectiveness of your advertisement are easier to measure in digital marketing. There are many developed software and features to measure click rates and sales conversion all of which can help you improve strategies.

The disadvantages with digital marketing is that it takes the time to master the perfect strategy that would work for a particular business. Another thing is that you make your files or identity vulnerable to thieves like hackers and scammers.


What is Branding

All start-up business have their unique identities also known as branding. It gives businesses a voice, face, personality, even the tone, and colors. Branding is the thing that will help you stand out and memorable among your competitors. Branding can make impressions last. It is crucial because it can make a negative or positive memory retention to the audience. It can bring quick expectation from a look or a glance, so this will also be a challenge to the company in maintaining or even going beyond those expectations.

If you are just starting up your business, there are things to consider when pinning down your business branding. Branding is imperative to a business because having no branding is like having a faceless company and voice. It helps your brand to be established and consistent. Let us go down to some of the branding aspects that you should have priority upon making one.

Visual Branding

This is the most known aspect of branding wherein companies dedicated their efforts to develop their logo, , and typography. Visual branding usually and mostly gets the attention from first-time watchers. Be sure to plan visual cores carefully to align with other aspects of branding.

For example, if a company is about modern technology or gadgets then you might want to consider modern typography rather than just stiff or cursive fonts. A futuristic or modern looking font would suit best matching colors of dark shades.

Voice Branding

How does your company speak to its audience? Thus, the tone of your tagline, the language it uses, the and templates. Voice branding sets the mood of the company. It could be formal, informal, friendly, authoritative, or scientific. It is important to remember what your business is about and how you want to be perceived by your audience. We do not want to be scientific when we sell under the fashion industry; it could be, but not ideally.

Branding Values

Like how the north stars guide travelers, branding values share the same function. It guides the whole brand identifying the process. The company’s core values should be reflected through the two primary aspects of branding. To just put it, what is the real essence of the brand as well as the rules, mission, and vision it upholds.

Most company does not like to focus on this aspect, but this one is something that you should also work on. Branding values give direction and unity to other aspects thus consistency. Look at how Nike and Apple built their branding values and how it guided them towards a huge success.

Social media marketing

Social Media Marketing

Obviously, social media nowadays are a new trend for netizens today. Even news and stories are largely circulated in social media websites like Facebook and Twitter. Today, the marketing wiz moved into these platforms and started crafting strategies to conquer the social media.

What is Social Media Marketing

Therefore, social media marketing is the art of gaining traffic and sales through the efficient use of social media sites. However, always keep in mind the people that you target for your business. For example, if your audience is mainly adults ages 45 to 60 then Instagram might not be an ideal platform to market in since a younger population primarily uses it.

Social media marketing can be very tricky too since social media sites have huge differences. Let’s say if you market in Twitter, you cannot use the same words in Facebook where in you can input more words and customize the post freely. Instagram, on the other hand, can not read URLs in regular posts and is mainly about imagery. Therefore, the strategy used for marketing in Twitter can differ from the approach used on Facebook and Instagram.

Starting Social Media Marketing

Every marketing begins with smart planning. Before diving and spending $$$ on your social media campaigns make sure to carefully plan the strategy you will use and the goals you want to achieve as well. Dave Jardine of DJ Plumbing took some very careful steps when planning his latest social media campaign: Garburator Repair Vancouver. Dave and his team created a video called the Adventures of the Garburator Man. This was a short animated comic strip that utilized humor to connect with his target audience. He then used Facebook and Youtube ads to drive the traffic to the videos and then back to his website. Dave says that they plan to do more of these kinds of animated videos in the future.

Ask questions like: how much is the budget? How long are you planning to run the ads? Who is your audience and where are they from (demographics)? What message do you want to them to be aware of?

These questions will be of a real help if you can answer them.

Focus on the Content

In social media marketing or any other methods of marketing, content is always always the top priority. Content, most especially for social media, has to be unique and fascinating.

Most marketers are using click bait headlines and misleading tags to gain clicks and traffic. We cannot deny the fact that this technique is working but be careful to drive negative comments and feedbacks from reader and users. We always have to be creative when it comes to marketing. If you have some time to spare, there are free software out there that you can use to craft simple yet beautiful and informative infographics, or you could also choose to curate.

Measuring Effectiveness

Of course, we want to know how your ads are doing or if it is ever helping your business in some way. For measuring clicks and traffic, some social media has their way to measure metrics, but for some like Instagram, you can use Google Analytics for it.

Measuring the effective or the impact of your campaign can help you understand the audience more: what types of post they most likely engage with, what is the best time to post or share a content. Through knowing these aspects you can improve and modify your strategy for the next campaign.

Social media marketing is a powerful method in the 21st century to drive traffic and raise brand awareness. Do not forget to make your audience the center of your campaign and not what you like for your campaign.

Marketing benefits

What can Marketing do for your Business

Whether or not you admit it, the success of any business lies within its heart – marketing. We cannot say it is the most important aspect of business, but we can consider marketing as one of the foundations of success. Marketing has been a growing industry ever since the boom of technological advancements. In the 21st century, different styles and methodologies of marketing arises and so the competition only gets exciting and challenging at the same time.

For huge companies like McDonald’s, Dove, Pantene, Nike, and the likes, marketing has always been so competitive and revolutionary. However, what can marketing do to a business?

Spreading the word

All companies need publication. You have to make the people aware that your business exists and as much as possible make a real introduction and imagery of what your business can do and the benefits it offers.

Well, that is marketing is for. Marketing strategies are crafted to raise awareness and reach potential buyers. Without the use of effective marketing, no one or few, at least the very least, will know about you and your business. The connection is everything in all business.

Sales booster

Once marketing did a good job of getting your business on the radar, then it is time to convert those potential or leads into sales. When people get to know more about your business they then start to spread off the word to family, friends, and business connections – as long as the product or services presented guarantees a positive gain. Without compelling marketing strategies then word-of-mouth would not have started in the first place.

Building company reputation

Company reputation is one of the important things that marketing can build. Effective marketing strategies must be able to make a good recall and brand image when someone thinks about an individual business. When a good reputation is built, then there’s a huge chance of higher sales generation.

We have only discussed few of what marketing can do to your business. However, I assure that marketing can do wonders to any businesses out there when strategized carefully and executed perfectly.

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